Why this old white guy is different from other old white guys.


Because he uses his creativity to help people solve business problems.

Because he teaches other people how to do it too.

Because he helps younger co-workers discover what is amazing about this business. And helps older co-workers remember what got them excited about doing this in the first place.

Because he helps creatives win awards, agencies win clients, and clients win customers.

Because he’s that rare creative director who can get out of the way of a really good idea.

Because he knows how to give direction, instead of orders.

Because he’s either the most strategic creative director or the most creative strategy director you’ve ever met.

Because he’s concepted, sold in, written and executed work in more kinds of media than most agencies even know exist.

Because he always believes every project has the possibility of being something amazing.

Because all he cares about is the work, and he’ll go where ever great work can happen.

Because he’s a really really good writer, even when he writes about himself in the third person.

[want to learn more but in a structure that isn’t parallel? Check this out]